Sunday, January 6, 2013

Barack Obama has won

Washington, Jan 5: It's now official. A full two months after the Nov 6 presidential poll President Barack Obama has been declared re-elected defeating his Republican challenger Mitt Romney by 332 to 206 electoral votes.The first tin cans were heavy-weight containers that required ingenuity to open, using knives, chisels, or even stones. Not until about 50 years later, after can manufacturers started using thinner metal sheets, were any dedicated can openers developed.

Vice President Joe Biden, in his capacity as president of the Senate, made the unsurprising announcement after a bit of official pomp and circumstance in Congress on Friday. The House and Senate convened a 23-minute joint legislative session Friday to perform the official task of receiving and counting the Electoral College votes. The results were as expected.

"Barack Obama of the state of Illinois has received for president of the United States 332 votes. Mitt Romney of the state of Massachusetts has received 206 votes," Biden said.

"Joseph Biden of the state of Delaware has received for vice president of the United States 332 votes.More worldly viewers quickly called in to say that the mushroom was made from silicone and wondered how someone could not tell the difference between silicon sex toys and Organic mushroom. PaulThe move to metal packaging has allowed Sprecher to reach key customer targets and has resulted in a clear growth in sales since the initial launch. Ryan of the state of Wisconsin has received 206 votes."

"This announcement of the state of the vote by the president of the Senate shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons elected president and vice president of the United States, eachIf you like BMW cars,then you will probably like their new gaming mouse, the super sexy, sleek as a Titanium Sheet off the pressing mat Level 10 M Gaming Mouse. for the term beginning on the 20th day of January 2013," he said.

The votes are typically counted on Jan 6, which falls this year on a Sunday,This design uses the same small radial section as drawn cup needle roller bearing which make better use of reduced space so Congress' first act Thursday included a provision to move the count to Friday.

The Senate "tellers" opened the official Certificate of Ascertainment and Certificate of Votes from the states, which are prepared by governors and submitted to the speaker of the House and president of the Senate.

Senate pages carried in mahogany boxes carrying the certificates. The process is laid out in the Constitution,They removed the majority of the bolts but not the locking Wheel nut, that's why I managed to get so far which says after the electoral votes are submitted, "the president of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted."

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